(t) 01249 489100
Fully Insured Trusted Cleaning Services
(m) 07428 010690
Email: info@lemoncarpetcleaning.com
Professional Rug Cleaning
Professional rug cleaning requires training and expertise. Each rug has a unique design and creation, which must be taken into account when thoroughly cleaning them. We test the material, identify what it's made of, colour bleed test the fabric and then make a decision on what chemical cleaning to proceed with.
What rugs we clean:
Persian Rugs
Turkish Rugs
Egyptian Rugs
Chinese Rugs
Indian Rugs
Cotton Rugs
Silk Rugs
Wool Rugs
Woven Rugs
Tufted Rugs
And many more.

We understand that rugs can hold sentimental value and can become quite a feature in someones life, which is why we offer you proof of our insurance cover of up to £5,000,000 public liability. Whether the rug will be needing a deep wet clean or a professional dry clean, the results will be worthwhile and increase the lifespan of your beloved rug/rugs.
Why not get in touch now and find out a little bit more about what we offer, simply fill in the contact form above.
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